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Purpose of Measure: "Measures the extent to which faculty use student-centered teaching and evaluation methods in their course instruction."

Lay-Person Terms: Measures frequency of which respondent's courses use evidence-based teaching practices.


In how many of the courses that you teach do you use each of the following?

1. All 2. Most 3. Some 4. None
1. Cooperative learning (small groups).
2. Experimental learning/field studies.
3. Performances/ demonstrations.
4. Group projects.
5. Extensive learning.
6. Multiple drafts of written work.
7. Reflective writing/journaling.
8. Community service as part of coursework.
9. Electronic quizzes with immediate feedback in class.
10. Using real life problems.
11. Using student inquiry to drive learning.

Type of Validity: Item Response Theory

Citation of Publication: CIRP Technical Report for information on measurement development CIRP Construct Technical Report Jessica Sharkness, Linda DeAngelo, John Pryor, Higher Education Research Institute Graduate School of Education & Information Studies University of California, Los Angeles, January 2010 CIRP Technical Report appendix for detailed information on each individual measure HERI Monograph (see page 88 question #26)

Instructions to analyze and interpret: See page 12 - 14 on the CIRP technical report. Use measure for interventions specific to STEM pedagogy training.

Other citations: See HERI list of publications