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Purpose of Measure: To assess the extent to which specific topics are addressed or discussed in mentoring from the mentor's perspective.

Lay-Person Terms: N/A


To what extent do you address and/or discuss with your mentees each of the following?

1. Large Extent 2. 3. 4. 5. Not at All
1. Research skills and scientific techniques, concepts and approaches.
2. Communication skills.
3. Leadership skills.
4. Broadening your network.
5. Career planning and developing independence.
6. Career planning and developing independence.
7. Grant writing and/or seeking funding for research.
8. Personal concerns.
9. Work-life balance/integration.
10. Diversity issues.
11. Self-efficacy/confidence.
12. Motivation.
13. Other (please describe):

Type of Validity:

Citation of Publication: N/A

Instructions to analyze and interpret: N/A

Other citations: N/A