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Purpose of Measure: To assess an individual's interest in a BBS/STEM career.

Lay-Person Terms: N/A


How interested are you in pursuing the following with your BBS/STEM degree:

1. Very interested 2. Somewhat interested 3. Not at all interested
1. Faculty in a research intensive university
2. Faculty in a primarily teaching college or university
3. Faculty in a community or 2-year college
4. Scientist in a national lab
5. Scientist in an industry or business setting
6. Scientist in governmental agency
7. Scientist in communications or outreach
8. Scientist in K12 setting
9. Other

Type of Validity: Face and Content Validity

Citation of Publication: N/A

Instructions to analyze and interpret: Can be used in any intervention, evaluation, or assessment of STEM career intentions. Can be adapted for both undergraduate and graduate student use.

Other citations: N/A