Purpose of Measure: "An abbreviated inventory of grantsmanship skills, self-efficacy is a promising tool for monitoring changes over time in early career researchers and for promoting tailored grantsmanship interventions" (Harwood et al., 2018).
Lay-Person Terms: To assess an individual's confidence in their ability to perform grant writing tasks.
See linked citation for measure
Type of Validity: Cronbach's Alpha: 0.95
Citation of Publication: Harwood, E.M., Jones, A.R., Erickson, D., Buchwald, D., Johnson-Hemming, J., Jones, H.P., Manson, S., McGee, R., Smith, A., Steer, C.J., Vishwanatha, J.K., Weber-Main, A.M. and Okuyemi, K.S. (2019), Early career biomedical grantsmanship self-efficacy: validation of an abbreviated self-assessment tool. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1445: 17-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.13995
Instructions to analyze and interpret: For use in grant writing interventions
Other citations: N/A