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Purpose of Measure: Assesses respondents' levels of interest in various post PhD biomedical career paths.

Lay-Person Terms: N/A


Rate your interest in the following career paths (as of now):

1. Highly uninterested 2. 3. 4. 5. Highly interested
1. Conduct my own research and lead my own research team in academia (i.e., become a Principal Investigator).
2. Conduct research as a staff scientist in industry, academia, or government.
3. Conduct applied research as an entrepreneur.
4. Support science & research, but not conduct research (e.g., be a teacher, science/research administrator, grants manager, science policy analyst, science reporter, etc.)
5. Pursue a different career outside of science.

Type of Validity: N/A

Citation of Publication: Publication introducing measure: Gibbs KD Jr, McGready J, Bennett JC, Griffin K (2014) Biomedical Science Ph.D. Career Interest Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Gender. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114736. See Supplementary Figure 1 for measure.

Instructions to analyze and interpret: Use items independently to determine interest in each career path. Higher values relate to higher interest. Can also be used on postdoctoral populations. See other citation below.

Other citations: Career Development among American Biomedical Postdocs, Kenneth D. Gibbs, Jr., John McGready, and Kimberly Griffin, CBE—Life Sciences Education 2015 14:4