Selection of Measures:
Some of the measures in this library were chosen from among those currently in use by the NRMN Phase II projects. Others were identified in the literature or were developed by the website team. They were curated by the NRMN Phase II coordination team to cover a variety of interventions, career stages, and constructs. It is not a comprehensive list of all possible measures.
Validity and Reliability of Measures:
Measures are categorized based on whether or not they have been validated. In most cases, validation was conducted by the creators of the measure on a specific population. Note that should you decide to change, edit, add, or remove any of the items on these scales and measures, or use them on a different population, you can no longer consider them to have been validated (and perhaps, reliable). They must be revalidated for your own study. We recommend you consult a social scientist and/or statistician on your team for support with this. In some cases, NRMN Phase II investigators are using unvalidated measures they themselves have adapted from previously validated measures. Where this is the case, both the original measure and the adapted measure publications are provided where available.
For a full discussion about validity, see Knekta, Runyon, and Eddy, 2019.
For a full discussion about validity, reliability, and other standards, see Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (2014).
Ethical Use of Measures:
Before using these measures, consult your Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Subjects Research to ensure you have an approved protocol when you are conducting research with these measures.
Please note, this website is in DRAFT form as is undergoing formative evaluation and editing.
The content on this site is managed by the NRMN Coordination Center with funding from the National Institutes of Health (U24GM132176).