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Purpose of Measure: "To have participants assess their ability to function as a scientist in a variety of tasks."

Lay-Person Terms: Student's confidence in their abilities to function as scientists.


This section assesses your confidence in your abilities to function as a scientist in your area. Indicate the extent to which you are confidence you can successfully complete the following tasks. Please select the best answer on the scale from 1 (not at all confident) to 5 (absolutely confident).

1.       Not at all confident 2. 3. 4. 5. Absolutely confident
Use of technical science skills (use of tools, instruments, and/or techniques).
Generate a research question to answer.
Figure out what data/observations to collect and how to collect them.
Create explanations for the results of a study.
Use scientific literature and/or reports to guide research.
Develop theories (integrate and coordinate results from multiple studies).

Type of Validity: Cronbach's alpha = 0.91

Citation of Publication: Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2011). Toward a model of social influence that explains minority student integration into the scientific community. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(1), 206–222. The instrument is found within the paper itself, in the "measures" subsection of the Methods section.

Instructions to analyze and interpret: Six item scale. Calculate the mean scale score (mathematical average) of all items within the scale for a particular respondent. Higher scores represent higher self-reported scientific self-efficacy for that respondent. Use with postdoc populations would require revalidation

Other citations: Chemers M. Unpublished Manuscript. University of California; Santa Cruz: 2006. Science Identity and Self-Efficacy