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Purpose of Measure: Measures the respondent's satisfaction with the mentorship they have received.

Lay-Person Terms: N/A


How would you rate the overall quality of the mentorship you have received?

  1. Poor
  2. Fair
  3. Good
  4. Excellent

Type of Validity: N/A

Citation of Publication: From the UW - Madison mentorship training initiatives.

Instructions to analyze and interpret: The mentor effectiveness scale in the NRMN measurement library from Byars-Winston et al 2015 was in fact built from the items reported in the Entering Mentorship curriculum (2005). The original scale was developed to assess the Entering Mentorship curriculum and specifically Mentorship behaviors hypothesized to be impacted by the training. It was originally 26 items but one item was dropped for the reasons described in the manuscript thus making it a 25-item scale. Since the publication of the 2015 paper, we have found that a single item of mentorship quality can work just as well in our models. For some research studies, we are still asking two items from the original 25 item scale - these are “My mentor showed interest in my research project” and “My mentor appreciated my contributions” – these items were associated with higher ratings on research self-efficacy and greater achievement of positive outcomes.

Other citations: Angela M. Byars-Winston, Janet Branchaw, Christine Pfund, Patrice Leverett & Joseph Newton (2015) Culturally Diverse Undergraduate Researchers’ Academic Outcomes and Perceptions of Their Research Mentoring Relationships, International Journal of Science Education, 37:15, 2533-2554, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2015.1085133